MINT Magazin, 2020

  • In late August, I went with Ingo Scheel to Kiel for MINT magazine to meet the amazing people of Elac.
    For me as a former DJ (what a title) and vinyl enthusiast, it was kind of a backflash to all those formative moments in my life, that were accompanied by music and together compose the soundtrack of my life: listening to Beatles‘ Abbey Road and Dvořáks 9th symphony on the floor in my mothers room, when I was maybe seven. Realizing, that Kurt Cobain can put my feelings into words better than me, 13. discovering Slime at the same time and feeling that anger the first time. It has stayed until today. First love and a lot of black metal. Then Punk again. Endless nights with room- and soulmates at our kitchen table in our famous flat on the Reeperbahn. So many songs. Listening to Bon Iver over and over again, when Toni was born. Listening to him too, when my mother died. Life would be nothing without music. Or to put it in the words of my favorite actor Frank Giering: there should always be music.

  • Image 1: ELAC
  • Image 2: ELAC
  • Image 3: ELAC
  • Image 4: ELAC
  • Image 5: ELAC
  • Image 6: ELAC
  • Image 7: ELAC
  • Image 8: ELAC