STERN gesund leben, 2019

  • In late September, when it was still warm and summer was slowly fading, I went to a massive gathering for STERN, the choir Hamburg singt. I portrayed author Stephanie Souron while doing, what she loves most: singing. I must admit, that it felt strange in the beginning, to see and listen to so many people being emotional and all this. I also was a tiny little bit embarrassed, cause I can hardly hit a note myself, which I barely never do, cause, well, the embarrassment... after twenty minutes or so, it all went off and I got gripped so hard by the community feeling, I eventually started crying a tiny little bit. I guess, singing promotes the social cohesion and has some healing energy, everybody could need some of it.

  • Image 1: singen
  • Image 2: singen
  • Image 3: singen
  • Image 4: singen
  • Image 5: singen